Kuehne + Nagel for the first time leverages the benefits of blockchain technology in a large scale operational environment with ...
As of August 2018, a new Logistics Hub in Santiago de Chile will benefit the growing pharma & healthcare industry ...
Αυξημένος κατά 13,1% ήταν ο κύκλος εργασιών της Kuehne+Nagel, στο α’ τρίμηνο του 2018, φτάνοντας τα 4,862 δισ. ελβετικά φράγκα. ...
The Kuehne + Nagel Group increased its growth momentum from quarter to quarter in 2017 and achieved new record highs ...
Temasek, a Singapore headquartered investment company, and Kuehne + Nagel signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a joint venture ...
With the extension of the logistics facility in Geel, Kuehne + Nagel will offer an expanded service portfolio especially to customers ...
Kuehne + Nagel has expanded its sustainability offering for global seafreight services: As of May 2017, the total amount of ...
Toys“R”Us, the world’s leading dedicated toy and baby products retailer, has awarded Kuehne + Nagel a four-year contract to manage ...
Μνημόνιο Κατανόησης (MoU) υπέγραψαν Kuehne + Nagel και Alibaba.com, η οποία ανήκει στον κινεζικό όμιλο Alibaba, με την πρώτη να ...
Τουλάχιστον 10 εταιρείες έχουν λάβει το τεύχος μη δεσμευτικών προσφορών για το εμπορευματικό κέντρο στο στρατόπεδο Γκόνου (600 στρέμματα) της ...